Chief Morale Booster
Remote Area Doctors
2XM Healthcare is a rural and remote specialist agency. We support clients across all states and territories in Aust...
Hospital Nursing
2XM Healthcare are able to discuss varying Nursing Jobs with you in a variety of specialisms and locations. You will...
Aged Care Nursing
Caring for our ageing population is more important now than ever. Recent industry reports have highlighted the impr...
Hospital Doctors
Here at 2XM Healthcare our team of experienced consultants are able to discuss a variety of road maps and opportunit...
Agency Work
2XM Healthcare have developed intelligent and integrated workforce solutions to allow our candidates and clients to ...
Remote Area Nursing
Our consultants have over 15 years collective experience dealing with the demands and nuances of working in remote a...
We specialise in providing skilled Midwives to our clients across Australia. Either Direct Entry or Dual registered,...